Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How Young is Too Young??

I use lots of technology in my classroom each day to enhance my students' learning. I have a Smartboard in my classroom so we can do a lot of whole group activities using it. I use a site called Starfall all the time with my students. It's a great site for building early literacy skills. My students love to read each little mini book that goes along with the letters we are learning. PBS Kids is another great site for building early literacy, math, and science skills. We play letter recognition games, rhyming games, counting games, matching games, etc.. You can go on and do a search for the type of game you are looking for and go from there. Another resource I use for free book videos is through Barnes and Noble. Many times the books on there have the actual author reading the story; very cute! I teach PreK 3 and 4 year olds and they have no problem playing the games or listening to the stories. I feel they learn a lot from the games and also the stories. The students are also allowed to play the games we play on the Smartboard on the two classroom computers during center time. After taking this class, I will also be doing more with Animoto, digital stories and Storybird to enhance student learning.


  1. I'm glad that we have this class because there are so many technological ways to enhance our student's learning. I use Starfall and PBS Kids, as well. I will have to check out the book videos on Barnes and Noble! That sounds really great!

  2. All great resources, Kelly. Thanks for introducing me to the video books on Barnes and Noble!
